Friday, September 21, 2012

CNN not getting the facts right on Senkakus?

This article from CNN writes on Senkaku Islands as follows (

"The question of ownership of the islands extends back to 1895 when Japan says China ceded sovereignty of the islands when it lost the Sino-Japanese war."

China never had sovereignty over the islands. It was no man’s land that Japan discovered and incorporated under its territory in 1895.

A proof is that Koga Tatsushiro, an entrepreneur from Okinawa Prefecture, got approval from the Japanese Government in 1896 and ran various businesses on the islands such as manufacturing dried bonito, without any interference.

Another proof is that China never protested when the islands came under the administrative control of the US after the World War II. As a matter of fact, China never protested against the sovereignty of Japan over the Senkaku Island until after 1968 when a survey found an underwater oil field around the Islands.

If the islands were indeed Chinese “since ancient times”, why did it not protest to the US when it had the islands under its control? And why was China silent until 1968?

Moreover, why did its own official communist paper – People’s Daily – publish an article on January 8, 1953, indicating Senkaku Islands as part of the Ryukyu (present Okinawa)?
The reason is obvious – because the Senkakus are not Chinese.

Governor Ishihara has taken a commendable initiative in his decision to save the Senkakus while the Government of Japan has been lukewarm and rather irresponsible on the matter for way too long. While China-Japan relationships should not be damaged, Japan should voice loudly what’s right. This is a sovereignty issue, which should be dealt with by the facts and the international law, not emotions.   

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