Last week, Texas Daddy uploaded "Comfort Women the truth be told". There he shows a piece of the first degree evidence from the US military back in 1944, and asserts bluntly:
"The Koreans who set up memorial statues or plaques dedicated to these comfort women, claiming they were forced into sexual slavery by Japanese army - YOU ARE A LIAR, THAT DID NOT HAPPEN!!"
The below is the same video with Japanese subtitles: 字幕 [テキサス親父] 慰安婦は売春婦!証拠はコレだ!と親父ブチギレの巻!
What he shows as evidence is the Japanese Prisoner of War Information Report No.49 by the US Army written in August 1944 - one year before the end of WWII. The report is based on the information obtained from the interrogation of 20 Korean "comfort girls" captured in August 1944 in Burma.
(Note: In 1942, Korean girls were recruited for comfort service for Japanese soldiers. These girls, mostly in their 20s, moved with their Japanese "house master" to Burma, and carried out their duties. In August 1944, with the fall of Myitkyina, Japanese soldiers were fleeing with these girls, but were separated. The girls were captured by the US Army, who interrogated them and wrote the Report No.49. The report shows how the Japanese recruited these "comfort girls", the conditions under which they lived and worked, their relations with the Japanese soldiers, etc.)
In the report, it says:
"A 'comfort girl' is nothing more than a prostitute or 'professional camp follower' attached to the Japanese Army for the benefit of the soldiers."
"They lived in near-luxury in Burma in comparison to other places. They lived well because their food and material was not heavily rationed and they had plenty of money with which to purchase desired articles. They were able to buy cloth, shoes, cigaretes, and cosmetics to supplement the many gifts given to them by soldiers who had received 'comfort bags' from home."
"While in Burma, they amused themselves by participating in sports events with both officers and men, and attended picnics, entertainments, and social dinners. They had a phonograph, and in the towns they were allowed to go shopping."
"In an average month, a girl would gross about 1,500 yen (half of which she turned over to the master)".
This means, a comfort girl earned 750 yen a month. To give you an idea of how humongous this salary was, a Japanese Imperial Army sergeant at the time was paid 30 yen a month.
The report goes on: "The girls complained that even with the schedule (morning to evening shifts for different ranks of soldiers), congestion (at the comfort house) was so great that they could not care for all guests, thus causing ill feeling among many of the soldiers."
Texas Daddy correctly questions: Can the sex slaves buy whatever they want? Can the sex slaves go partying and shopping ? Do the sex slaves feel sorry for soldiers who were not served by them?
Hell NO! They were no way sex slaves. They were extremely well-paid and well-cared prostitutes.
Remember, this report was written by the US army during the war - when Japan was an enemy. US could easily used "sexual slavery" as propaganda against Japan, yet they didn't, since it was simply not true.
Highly ignorant of the historical fact, and strongly pressured by Korean groups, city of Glendale, California, just recently has approved the establishment of a comfort woman monument in its public park. This is not only disgraceful for Japanese, but also for the residents of the city and the entire Americans who love peace and truth.
Not only Japanese, but also the world needs to know the facts on the comfort women issues, and stop the Korean lies. One's sense of justice and empathy should not be fooled by fabrications - in doing so, he will only be called a fool himself.