Friday, July 12, 2013

Japan's Contribution to Korea

When you hear the word “colonization”, of course, it is bad, you’d say. You’d associate it with exploitation of local people and resources to the benefit of the colonizer. Even killings, as in the infamous case of Belgian-colonized Congo where one fifth of the population died under the colonizer. Then the loss of dignity – every nation should enjoy its sovereign autonomy.

However, not all colonizers had the same objectives nor did the same things.

Alleyne Ireland, a British administrative scholar, examined Japanese colonial administration in Korea, and published a book titled "The New Korea", in 1926. (Japan annexed Korea in 1910 not to allow Russian invasion, and governed the country until 1945. Korea had been a dependency of China over 500 years up to 1897 when Japan defeated China in the Japanese-Sino war and demanded its independence).

In his 300-page book, covering all aspects from government structures and judicial system, to education, health and economic development, Alleyne describes in detail how Japan transformed Korea, and says as follows:

“Whether or not Korea has on the whole been well governed can be determined only from a study of the available data. From such a study, which has occupied me for more than three years, … I have formed the opinion that Korea is today infinitely better governed than it ever was under its own native rulers, that it is better governed than most self-governing countries, that it is as well governed as any of the British, American, French, Dutch, and Portuguese dependencies which I have visited, and is better governed than most of them, having in view as well the cultural and economic development of the people as the technique of administration.” (p.17)

He also describes the situations in Korea before the Japanese annexation:

“It is true that at the time Japan annexed Korea, in 1910, the actual conditions of life in the Peninsula were extremely bad. This was not due, however, to any lack of inherent intelligence and ability in the Korean race, but to the stupidity and corruption which for five hundred years had, almost continuously, characterized the government of the Korean dynasty, and to the existence during that period of a royal court which maintained throughout Korea a system of licensed cruelty and corruption.

Such was the misrule under which the Koreans had suffered for generation after generation that all incentive to industry, thrift, and social progress had been destroyed, because none of the common people had been allowed to enjoy the fruits of their own efforts.” (

Alleyne’s book clearly gives an objective and accurate view on the issue: One, he was British, and two, he lived in the time when it happened and saw it with his own eyes.


  1. People all over the world including Korean people and Japanese people have to see issues from objective point of view based on the facts. In this sense, we can believe Alleyne's study.

    We are apt to take all the colonization and anexation bad, but clearly Korea was governed better by Japan than any other countries including Korean government itself.

    This is an amazing fact and more and more people should know about it.

  2. This fact underlines how unique Japanese are as colonizers. Although there must have been some ill-doings, I firmly believe that the spirit of bushido back then was unwavered, which acted as a natural correctional philosophy. We should also look at Taiwan and their times of colonization by Japan. Interestingly, both nations have developed to become a very powerful and stable part of the highly developed east asian countries.

    1. Thank you very much for your comment, and I am very sorry for the late response. Yes, I agree - Japan is the only country who annexed and developed other countries with so much investment in all sectors, which was never done by western colonizers. It is because Japan treated them fairly and equally as Japanese and made the countries as part of Japan. There are so many Taiwanese and Koreans who lived at the time of annexation and who loved Japan and had the spirit of Japanese. The book "日本人はとてもすてきだった(Japanese were just wonderful)" by 楊素秋 (You So-shu), a Taiwanese lady, is one of the many books that prove this. The fact that Taiwan, a small economy, was No.2 donor after the U.S. at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake (3.11) also demonstrate its friendly stance toward Japan.
      It is so unfortunate that Korean elites (yanban), who lost their privilege during the Japan-Korea annexation, have continued anti-Japan propaganda and education since then, spreading the fabricated history in grudge. If they have not done so, Koreans could have similar feelings like many Taiwanese today.
